Spending large amounts of time searching for documents, or having to prepare new documents when they cannot be located is very cost-intensive for your business. With the DMS module, document management and workflow can be fully integrated into the Enterprise Resource Management and all other modules of C3. All documents, files and receipts of a certain process are archived in C3. This is valid both for internal documents such as Word and Excel files, article pictures or technical drawings as well as external receipts, such as scanned invoices. External documents, such as supplier invoices or technical drawings, can be archived in the database electronically and managed by C3. Documents can be scanned directly from C3 without having to open a third program or a file name having to be allocated. The original document is available with the click of a mouse at any time and can be reprinted at any time.
In-house document types, such as quotations or delivery notes can be summarized and managed together per event or project. Windows documents can be attached to customer and supplier records. By defining specific sequences, predefined documents can be created and named, such as "first contact advertising letter". The corresponding application program is assigned to the document type, for example CorelDraw, Adobe illustrator or Microsoft Word. With a simple click the document is produced, opened and saved with address, contact person and fax number. It can be immediately completed, printed or faxed. The documents are organized and saved in the database by C3. No file names must be created. Direct document shipment is available at the click of a mouse and can be sent via fax and e-mail, as the fax number or e-mail address is transmitted automatically.
You can assign invoices, images or documents to your articles, orders or events. The complete file management is handled by C3. The files are however accessible without C3 at any time, and are organized automatically. You can connect film files to the storage location of the film, job files for programs, as well as product images, scans or data sheets of used materials, to their articles or orders. All files can be retrieved directly from C3, since C3 starts the application, such as the Adobe illustrator at the call of the EPS original file automatically. All image files can be stored to any C3 document. You can for example add images of proof on your delivery notes, or technical drawings on working papers for production.