The fourth industrial revolution is in full swing: the keyword "smart factory digitalization" shows the evergrowing change in production towards intelligent networking. Machines, facilities, products, warehouse and workers communicate with each other. Digital transformation in the producing industry harbors huge potential for all companies – not only for big corporations, but also for small and medium enterprises. To finish this fourth industrial revolution as a winner, you should make sure that you are fit for the future. Use the new possibilities software platforms – oil of the 21st century – offer and start now!
What is Smart Factory Digitalization?
Solutions and Technologies centered around Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and machine and (industrial) Internet of Things (IoT) are the innovation drivers of the producing industry. The basis for this are software platforms, smart machines, data and networking – the digital and analog world melt together. Machines and systems communicate with each other and permanently exchange data with the respective software platforms. The Artificial Intelligence assumes highly complex tasks such as the optimization of production planning.
With that companies establish an optimized degree of flexibility as well as more automation with fully interconnected processes – a smart factory, the intelligent factory. The result: a flexible, dynamic and fully efficient production.
C3 IoT Platform
The base of C3 for all IoT applications. A flexible platform for the data exchange with different systems like machines, software, factories, robots and partners.
Smart Factory Digitalization is not only a buzzword and hot air at Instead we offer concrete applications that bring daily use and save money. We'll present you a few already implemented examples in the following.
Before Products are getting packed by hand, packages are closed and labeled by hand and after that, stacked on palettes which are then labeled by hand. | After The packaging robot receives its instructions by C3 ERP/MIS-software on how to stack and pack active orders. C3 prints customer-specific labels on-demand via the robot. |
Before Production times get recorded with isolated applications, paper or non-comfortable hardware terminals. Data is not entered in the ERP-system and it is almost impossible to get a good analysis. | After With our DMI (Direct Machine Interface) speed, standstills and quantities are automatically recorded centrally and can later be used for post calculation, dashboards or on the "couch"-overview on your smartphone. |
Before Planning with magnetic boards, slots or writable whiteboards. Orders, progresses, and changes must be sorted, supervised, and updated manually. To guarantee a good production order experience and a "steady hand" is needed to ensure a smooth production. | After C3 optimizes the whole production planning fully automated with artificial Intelligence. With the latest theoretical methods from research and science C3 creates various scenarios for workers like minimization of missed delivery deadlines or maximization of machine capability. |
Before Printed test reports, folders full of old reports and if an old result has to be consulted, you have to search for it. The analog storage of test reports results not only in a high paper consumption and room filling data storage in shelves but also in a confusing and time-consuming follow-up. | After Instead of folders full of printed-out test reports, you have everything digital and can shine at the next quality audit. Machine operators get asked to perform quality tests after previously set trigger points like start of a work step, every X minutes, after a break or after a set produced quantity. Depending on the definition of a test type the conformity has to be confirmed, a value has to be measured or a supervisor has to be consulted for a joint check. All results get recorded and saved digitally which makes them easily accessible. |
Before Printed parts lists, (cable-bound) barcode scanners which must be dragged through the departments, all that results in a complicated, time-consuming and error-prone working environment in the logistics department. | After With the data glove you are finished with effortful follow-ups of products or parts lists that have to be updated manually. One simple manual gesture is enough: through the interface to C3 ERP/MIS-software all relevant data is saved at the correct place. This makes warehousing, shipping and other logistics services effortless and goal-oriented. |
Before Working with printed production orders has always been difficult: it gets lost, destroyed or dirty beyond recognition. Either way the neede effort to work with printed orders is high and time-consuming. | After The digital production order takes you to a new level: instead of carrying a printed order around in your order bag, the digital production order is always up-to-date and shows, e.g. the QA instruction you just entered. You can call it up at any time from any location, it cannot be lost or soiled and the paper saved by not printing protects the environment. A WIN – WIN – WIN situation! |
Be a part of it – Public Funding
In Germany seveal ministries like the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research support the digital transformation in the industry with several public fundings. If you are located in an EU country, you might also be entitled to EU-wide funding. Get in contact with us and we will advise you about your possibilities and help you with applying for the funds.