Intuitive, modern and adjustable – this is the new user interface of C3.2020. MS Office Style makes everything intuitive and familiar. With responsive design, 4K support as well as a fresh new optic C3.2020 appears modern and new. Easily adjustable to international demands or your personal "Feel-Good-Look".
C3 mobile applications adjust automatically to each display size, thanks to HTML5. You can activate the special mobile/ touch mode in the user interface of the desktop software – bigger font, wider distances and a high sharpness are the result. With that you can comfortably access all functionalities via smartphone or tablet.
C3 talks your mother tongue as well as the language of your business partners. More than 30 language versions account for the internationality of C3. In the software each user can choose the language. No matter if German, English, Polish or Hindi. Even currencies, numbers or date formatting as well as special characters are oftentimes country specific. Due to the continuous use of the Unicode Format C3 supports characters of any country like Cyrillic or Chinese.
The new C3 user interface is available in many different languages, e.g.:
Taste is a matter of choice. Just choose one of the many different themes and work with C3 in the optic you like best. Big fonts and big symbols, high contrast or smooth colors or your company's Corporate Design. Each user can choose freely or creatively his own style. All companies who like it more uniform can set the design of C3 centrally company wide.
If you are already using 4K displays, you can enjoy high resolution fonts and icons.
All users intuitively work with our software due to the already familiar user interface style of Microsoft Office. Outlook as the most favorite client for e-mails and calendar is seamlessly integrated into C3 and evaluations are dragged with one click to Microsoft Excel.